This page is for everyone to add web sites on the places that they have been around Australia

Monday, September 17, 2012



Hello SA

MONDAY 20/8/2012

We arrived here at Border Village 12.30 we took lots of photo’s and spent some time to talk to some people going to W.A. and S.A, lovely people a group of people on a bus tour gave us some fruit and were kind enough to take a photo of our whole family together next to the joey.

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We stopped at lookout n03 on the Eyre Pennisula unfortunally we didn’t see any whales or sea lions.

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What a breathe taking view.

more photos of the coast.

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TUESDAY 21/8/2012

We saw a baby rabbit running around. It is amazing but we both can’t believe it that we are already in S.A. it doesn’t feel like it and we were taking our time. A moth was flying around our doors while’ll we were travelling.We took photos of Nullarbor Village.

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Dave cleaned the windows and Kiera didn’t wake up until 9.30. I’m trying to set up the go-pro camera it worked the first 2 times then I must of accidently pressed the wrong button and changed the settings.

When we arrived in Penong Dave checked under the bus because the battery’s weren’t charging properly. Dave found the wire of and the heater hose was rubbing on the pulley and melted through the hose. Dave fixed the wire and I called the RAC out to fix the 1m hose. The rac guy was really nice. We can’t say that about the petrol station guy.

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We got rid of most of our fruit and vegies at Penong. The quarantine station just asked us about the fridge and then left. We arrived in Ceduna and emptied the toilet and filled up with water. Then we filled the tanks with petrol. We stayed at Willura rest area.

     kimba 012

Kiera playing with pup pup and sue sue. Kiera is sitting in pup pups bed.

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  kimba 017 black for death and red for accident    kimba 021kimba 002

WEDNESDAY 22/8/2012

Kiera settling down nicely and sleeping in nearly every morning. When she woke this morning she laid in bed looking through one of her books. Dave felt like the bus was slow and sluggish today. He put some more oil in this morning. The air brakes seem to be leaking air. We will get it checked once we get into Kadina. We arrived in Kimba for lunch and more photos. For 3 pies and 2 drinks it cost us $25..00 a rare treat.

The Parking Area

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The Galah

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The shop, having lunch

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Then we drove to Whyalla where we met up with one of the family’s from Facebook. They are doing up a bus now.

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The information Centre

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Whyalla is one place that every time I go there some thing always happens. When I took my parents there for a holiday many years ago we were in a tent and some young lads through a sharp rock through our tent just missing us. With Dave and I we couldn’t get out of the parking area in the information center and we had to take the car of. It was to tight of a turn.

We rolled into Port Augusta late and filled up the bus and had some  tea. The steering on the car was locked we are very lucky we didn’t do some serious damage, we always have to remember to keep the ignition on accessories when we are towing the 4x4. Then we found a truck bay to stop in tonight 10kms east of Port Augusta. We have found that in S.A. the roads are narrow and not in very good condition. The bins have small openings and are always full. The parking bays are only signed on the side they are. We went to bed late not realizing the time, but wait I forgot we don’t have a set time to be up so who cares lol.

PA 003Kiera playing dress-up with her Dora towel after her bath.

     pa 052

The big mining rig that was parked in the same parking bay as us last night.

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