MONDAY 17/9/2012
We caught up with Mum,Kevin and Kerry. We had a really nice lunch at a café in the main st in Kadina, we had Cornish Pasties.
Goodbye Anita and Mike
Thanks for signing our bus
Dirty Sue sue
Co-Pilot Pup pup
Kiera and cousin Zeph
David and brother Kevin
TUESDAY 18/9/2012
Dave went for a couple of jobs today at Madec .
Dave went for a walk and came back with a blue tongue lizard.
Kiera and I made chocolate muffins.
toilets at the new bus stop in Kadina
Dave’s old house
Dex David and Brooke’s dog
Kadina Motor Cross
Kadina Show grounds
the DINOSAUR-pajero 1986
The buildings in the show grounds
Our beautiful daughter KIERA
WEDNESDAY 19/9/2012
Kevin came around this morning to take photos of the bus ready for the Mural.Dave set up rabbit traps but we got nothing. Dave applied for more jobs.
THURSDAY 20/9/2012
We went to the Wombat Hotel for tea tonight. There were Judy,Barry,Mun,David JR,Braden,Izzy,David Tanya and Kiera. Dave tried to clean his camera today and pulled it apart too far and can’t put it back together. Now he has to get another one.
SATURDAY 22/9/2012
Kevin came around and brought some paint for the mural on the bus. We are going to Kevins on Monday for a couple of days.
SUNDAY 23/9/2012
Kiera and I went to Adelaide. We went to the markets and got some fruit and vegies. Then we went to Auntie Debbie’s and then we went to Uncle Warren’s then back to Auntie Debbie’s.
Dave caught a rabbit, so we had Roast Bunny for tea. Then we went and saw David JR and Brooke. Then we went to Braden’s and Izzy’s and watched a movie.
MONDAY 24/9/2012
We moved out of the show grounds today and picked up Braden then we drove to Kevin’s, he lives in Alford. Kevin is doing he murals on our bus .
Out Back scene
Dave went to see Earl signs he’s going to put signs on our car for us.
TUESDAY 25/9/2012
Kevin started the second mural on the bus today. Kevin’s attempt at mural 2. It didn’t go to plan. So he’s going to try again tomorrow.
WEDNESDAY 26/9/2012
We had a lot to do in Kadina today. Dave also got some supplies for a private job..
THURSDAY 27/9/2012
Kevin finished of the 3 murals and put a 2 clear coats of varnish on them. they look grate. Dave got his new camera today in the mail.
FRIDAY 28/9/2012
Dave finished of his job and we were back in the Kadina show grounds at 1750. We visited mum on the way.
SATURDAY 29/9/2012
The starter motor went in the 4x4 today and Dave got another one from the Wallaroo wreckers, but it was the wrong one.
SUNDAY 30/9/2012
On the way,10 mins limit in these toilets.
We went to the show and shine in Kadina today,we walked because our car is still not fixed. We just beat the rain. We took lots of photo’s. It only cost us $5 each and $10 for lunch.
Kiera now needs size 4 clothes as she has grown out of size 3, a lady rang me from Moonta Bay, she has size 4 that her daughter has grown out of. When the car is fixed we will go and pick them up.
Kiera likes these cars
Kiera having a go squirting the fire hose
Kiera with the cfs Blinky Bill
Kiera eating her first lolly pop
My favourite cars of the day star trek the enterprise
Kadina the town
The school
The Wombat Hotel
The Bikes
Kiera with the bikes
Kiera with the cars
CFS display
Kiera having fun
John tried to get us a starter motor. Kevin lent us his car, while’ll he went to Mount Gambier for a couple of days.
MONDAY 1/10/2012
Kathryn and Mathew and their 5 children came around for a visit. Kiera enjoyed playing with them all.
We took the starter Motor back and got our money back. Then we drove to Moonta Bay and got Kiera some size 4 tops.
TUESDAY 2/10/2012
We returned Kevin’s car today. Dave went for a walk and took some photo’s.
Dave applied for some more jobs today.
THURSDAY 3/10/2012
We got the signs put on our pajero today. thanks Earl Signs.
With no transfers
With Transfers
The bus and car with murals and transfers
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