THURSDAY 23/8/2012
We left at 8.30 all the crops are growing well. SA seems to be getting the water they need. The weather is cloudy,cold and overcast. We went to Port Broughton where Dave’s sister has a take away shop and caught up with them.

Port Broughton

From there we went to Alford where Dave’s brother lives and he was not home. Then we went to Kadina and met up with his mum and other sister.
Kiera looking through her book in bed when she woke up.

Then we went to his sons work(David) he is a mechanic and fixed our air brakes for us. Then we booked 2 nights in the show grounds only $10 +$5 for power with $20 deposit which we get back when we return the key.
Kadina Show Grounds

FRIDAY 24/8/2012
I paid for 4 weeks to stay at the show grounds. I went to the laundry mat and done 3 loads of washing at $3.20 a load. Dave took the air compressor of the bus and took it around to hi sons work to be fixed. We have been having a lot of trouble with the internet today and tonight.

SATURDAY 25/8/2012
Beautiful day this morning the sun is shinning and we are in spring clothes. Kiera and I went for a walk and went to the local markets and a garage sale. Then we went and saw Kiera’s Nanna, we had a lovely visit with her. Kevin turned up as well. Dave went to Dave”s work and met up with Braden and helped him with some welding on a shed he is making up. Dave came around later and put the air compressor in. The bus is now mobile again. We moved the bus closer to the tap. Dave Brooke and Braden came around and Dave spent some quality time with his sons.

SUNDAY 26/8/2012
Whoa I just remembered its my birthday today.
Kiera slept in this morning and when she woke I spent a lot of time playing with her before we went for a drive.It is a lovely day today so we decided to go for a drive to the Wallaroo Mines, Kadina,Port Riley and Tickera. We took some lovely photos.
Kadina / Wallaroo Mines

Wallaroo Mines Pioneer Cemetery
Residential Wallaroo Mines

Port Riley


Wallaroo Mines

MONDAY 27/8/2012
We drove around Wallaroo and Port Riley and took the go pro this time and tried out some video and editing. We went to the wombat hotel for tea for my birthday.
Flowers from David,Brooke and Braden & Izzy. David got a job from Earl Signs. We priced the Ferry to Cowell $140 for the car, $35 per adult and $10 for children 4 to 15.
TUESDAY 28/8/2012
Kiera and I stayed home today and got stuck into her school work. Dave went and checked out what he needed for his job.
WEDNESDAY 29/8/2012
Kiera finished set 12 today and we posted it of. Dave went and done his job for Earl Signs then came home for lunch. He then got a call to do a job for Braden”s boss so Dave went of and done that. I cleaned the house from top to bottom. Braden and Izzy came around for a visit tonight.
Dave got a text today about another job today to build a frame to hold a car. I took Kiera to the Dr’s today and she liked the Dr. We got locked out of the show grounds. The electrician locked the wrong padlock. We had to go to the shed and get them to open the gate.
Kiera and I went to Adelaide to Auntie Deb, Uncle John came later and brought us mc Donald's for tea. We stopped at Dublin and got some fruit and vegies. Then went to the Butcher and got a butcher pack for $25. Dave stayed home.
We went crabbing today at Bird Island. Dave caught 10 crabs and we had a nice feed. Kiera tried them but didn’t like them,she got upset because she was going to miss out. The dogs love the beach today it was sue sues first time at the beach. Kiera and I tried to fly her kite but it didn’t work. So we went for a walk looking for shells and Kiera played in the water with the dogs. Later Dave went and helped Braden put up his carport.
Kiera playing chaise with the dogs
What animals can you make of these

Dogs having a sleep
Dave’s big catch yum yum

Kiera holding her first crab

We went to Braden’s and Izzy’s for a barbie for Father’s Day. David and brooke, Izzy’s parents and little sister were also there. Kiera played with shanee. Then Rotto turned up later. It was a lovely day.

Today it was a lovely day and we went for a drive to Moonta Mines, Port Hughes, Moonta Bay and South Beach. We finished up at Braden’s helping him dig holes for his carport. We saw a lovely sunset on the way home. Earl Signs came around and put our mobile no on our bus.






Beautiful SUNSET in Kadina on the way home

Today was a very nice day we are in summer clothes. Dave decided to work on the bus. He flushed out the radiator and thought the starter motor was no good, but he realized the bus batteries were flat. So he jumped started the bus with the house batteries. Let the bus run for awhile to recharge the batteries. Dave’s cousin Debbie came around for a visit. Dave went to see his Uncle and friend. Deb also signed our bus.

WEDNESDAY 5/9/2012
We got new campers in a Winnebago, they set up and then went in there van. We had a cleaning and washing day.
THURSDAY 6/9/2012
We still saw no sight of our neighbor's. We decided to go for a drive today to




Then we went to MOONTA MINES where we saw the house Dave’s mum was brought up in.

Then we went back to the Dr’s and picked up some antibiotic's for Kiera. Then we went home and Kiera and I made a chocolate cake.
Kiera after she cleaned the chocolate bowl.
FRIDAY 7/9/2012
Our neighbors have now come out of hibernation. John David’s nephew came around for a visit.
SATURDAY 8/9/2012
Kiera and I cleaned the house and done some school work. Dave went around and helped Braden with his carport, then went and saw David Jr.
Braden’s Carport

David Jr’s Work

We went to Brooke’s parent’s house for drinks and meet up with the boys.
SUNDAY 9/9/2012
We got up early this morning and drove to Adelaide and went to Gepps Cross Markets and brought some fruit and vegies. Then we had a nice drive to Morphett Vale and met Mick and Janet they put a barbie on for us and they are very nice people.

Protest about Dumping
the army men
the cockroach
Ned Kelly
The Rat
Space Ship
Some shots on the Southern Express Way

Mick and Janet

The way out of Adelaide

The way back to Kadina

MONDAY 10/9/2012
Uncle Gordon came around for a visit

David’s invention for taking boots off.
The brake boosters

TUESDAY 11/9/2012
Dave went out squiding and came back with nothing. Kiera and I went for a walk and visited mum.
WEDNESDAY 12/9/2012
We went to see Uncle Gordon and met Auntie Ricky. Kiera got to pat her first goat and we saw Uncle Gordon’s museum.

Braden’s carport

Kadina pics

THURSDAY 13/9/2012
Gordon and Ricky came for a visit.