Water Tanks
Removed Panel and going to remove plastic tanks and steel frame that holds tanks in and drop spare wheel.
Made cradle for water tank and cover the tank with rubber for protection.
Fitting in new ally tanks (150lts). so had to make new frame and had to make sure that everything clears the spare wheel and used foam to protect the tanks. The blue frame is where the new storage will be above the tank. The tanks come out of the bottom for easy repair.
Frame for storage above the tank an hole in the tank for access to fix things in tank. Cover will be put on and glued.
Made 2 adjustable frames so that the tank can be locked in. So it can slide sideways using 16mm rod and nuts and tube. S o then it’s easy to remove the tanks.
The slides that were made using 20mm tube, 16mm thread and nuts and washes. The short tubes are welded to the cradle under the bus and can then be adjusted.
Sheeted inside of storage above water tank using sikaflex-11fc this product will save you using screws or rivets. Once glued it will go nowhere. Don’t use the cheaper one, this is the only one I would trust.
Gluing the sheet with sikaflex 11fc for storage above water tank.
Just using sikaflex 11fc to make it dust proof.
Cut the panel for side of bus. Ready to go on. I used .65 colour bond. It cost us $10.00 per sheet 2400x1200. I t pays to shop around. save $$$.
Fit panel on the bus and glued. The small round hole is for the handle to fit. So we can let the spare The larger square hole is so we can get to the spare easier.
I used rubber seal and plastic hinge that is black strip you can see. I had to make the door frames 30mm over all smaller to allow for the rubber seal and the frame of the door 2022x1.6. I used 40x20x1.6 ally angle for around the opening of the frame.
The lock I used for locking the doors, plus the handle for opening the door.On the left hand side of the bus.
I used a 40mm ally bullnose as a gutter above the doors. Glued and screwed with sikaflex 11fc and tex screws.
More renovations done to our bus.
new 2nd petrol tank, with new door
insulation and board now on where 2nd tv is in the bedroom
A spare compartment on the right side of the bus.
insulation and board now put on the last of the small windows.
New door and handle on original petrol tank.
The old awnings that we are taking down. We found that they were getting too damaged with the wind. We are now replacing them with curtains and smaller windows.
The A frame we brought from eBay,what a bargain
Frosty putting in the insulation and board in around the 2nd tv.